Employee Spotlights

Laura cropped headshot

Laura Norwicke Hall She/Her

Product Support Specialist

What's the best thing about working at Schell Games?

The culture at Schell Games is amazing! Making incredibly cool games as a part of a wildly talented and diverse group of people is great on its own. But the energy of the studio takes the cake; the friendly and quirky personalities of the people who work at SG, and the way the studio encourages everyone to thrive and have a good time while collaborating makes work fun and exciting.

What motivated you to begin working in the game industry?

I started project managing a Schell Games project from the client end and fell in love with the work. I've always enjoyed playing games and I feel incredibly lucky to be a part of making them too.

What’s the best piece of advice you received?

Don't be afraid to ask questions. There's so much you don't know. You won't know unless you ask and, most of the time, people are more than happy to share their knowledge and wisdom. And by asking, you both learn more and it opens up opportunities for connection and gratitude. Staying curious and embodying a growth mindset throughout every stage of life is essential.

What was your favorite game as a child?

Tetris! Although I've also played board games for as long as I can remember and they remain one of my very favorite things to do.

If you could instantly become an expert in anything, what would it be?

I wish I could speak more languages. I'm a grammar nerd in English and conversational in Spanish, but I wish I was fluent in more languages. Not just to communicate but to admire the differences and nuances of each one, and the insight they give to different cultures.

What’s your favorite thing to do in Pittsburgh?

There are so many natural treasures in the Pittsburgh area. The topography of the region means that you can find some really cool nature adventures right around the city. I love kayaking on the three rivers, it offers unparalleled city views. There's a hiking trail right on Mount Washington where you feel like you're in the forest and every so often city vistas pop out of nowhere. And all the Rails to Trails biking around the city is a lot of fun too. Anytime I can blend nature with fitness and being close to home it's a win.

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What are you most proud of working on while at Schell Games?

There isn't a project that I've been on at Schell Games that I haven't enjoyed for different reasons. Each one has its own personality and opportunities to learn new things. I recently shifted into Product Support from Production and helping solve problems for folks so they can get the most enjoyment out of their gaming experiences has been tremendously rewarding. The more support requests I'm able to work through with people, the better I've gotten at diagnosing more technical issues and efficiently collaborating with other team members to solve problems. Working directly with people who play our games is a lot of fun, it's a great reminder of how many people out there are enjoying what our studio creates.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

The ability to time travel would be really cool. Think of how many mistakes you could fix or troubles you could avoid by flashing forward to see an outcome and then improving on your choices. Plus, I feel like having time travel functionality would allow me to give my kids the very best childhood - help them to have the happiest experiences, learn hard lessons the easiest way possible, and keep them safe. I can't think of anything I'd rather do than support them in a super way.

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What was the weirdest job you ever had?

I used to work at the zoo, which was a lot of fun. One of my responsibilities was capturing and creating videos so I had the opportunity to interact with all kinds of exotic animals such as sea lions, giraffes, rhinos, a gorilla... I had all kinds of wild adventures in that position.

What beverage do you always have on hand at work? Coffee, tea, or other?

Carbonated water is the bee's knees. Flavored seltzers, hot tea, or an iced tea/lemonade mix are good too. I mostly switch between those. I like coffee a lot, but I don't drink it every day.

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