Schell Games’ Matchmaking Superhero Visual Novel, Mission: It’s Complicated, Now Available for Free


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Roses are red, violets are blue, it’s Valentine’s Day, time to make some superhero dreams come true! Today, Schell Games’ take on visual novels, Mission: It’s Compli­cated, is offi­cially available for free download on Steam and Mission: It’s Compli­cated delivers romance and compan­ion­ship in a way that’ll be sure to have players feelin’ the love. But the game isn’t all wine and roses — there’s a world to save!

Within this narrative matching-making extrav­a­ganza, players pair various super­heroes in hopes sparking a love (or friend­ship) that will save the world from imminent destruc­tion. Players choose between five heroes of varying genders and orien­ta­tions to work on culti­vating strong connec­tions through missions, dates, and other shenani­gans. The stronger and more compat­ible the rela­tion­ship, romantic or platonic, the higher the chance of protecting the planet.

Available on PC for Windows and Mac, Mission: It’s Compli­cated has a total gameplay time that hovers between 8 – 10 hours. Along with a never-ending supply of super silly puns, Mission: It’s Compli­cated supplies players with special features, including: an inclusive and LGBTQ friendly variety of heroes to choose from, the freedom to forge their own story to win the game, whether platonic or romantic, and best of all, a totally free gameplay expe­ri­ence.

Players can also spread the love by sharing these unique Mission: It’s Compli­cated-themed Valen­tine’s Day cards with someone special!

Please visit the Schell Games website for all the latest infor­ma­tion and find relevant assets here. You can also access a digital media kit and the trailer.

A trailer for​Mission: It’s Compli­cated is available for viewing here: