Schell Games' 'HoloLAB Champions' mixes up chemistry lessons in VR


The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's Max Parker (@GameGuyPGH) stopped by the game studio to talk with CEO Jesse Schell about the creation, development, and release of our virtual reality lab practice game show, HoloLAB Champions.

Jesse talked about how he believes that as virtual reality hardware gets more affordable, that there will be a wave of schools and districts using virtual reality. And based on that, Jesse thinks that Schell Games is in a good place to meet their needs.

“We’re trying to be ready. We’ve got the basis. We’ve got the groundwork. When the hardware shows up that people can afford, we’ll already know how to make things that people can benefit from.”

In the article, they also mention History Maker VR, the latest educational game the studio is developing.