Schell Games Expands to Station Square


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Company to occupy new space starting Spring 2014

PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania (January 9, 2014) – Schell Games, a leader in transformational games, is pleased to announce that it has signed a long-term agreement to lease office space from Forest City Enterprises, starting in Spring 2014. The property, located in the Bessemer Court area of Pittsburgh’s Station Square, represents a significant increase in usable space for this growing company. This move comes after an extensive search, prompted by a need for more space to accommodate the company’s continued growth.

“This move marks a turning point in the growth of our company. We are thrilled to be able to expand our Pittsburgh presence. Finding space that matches our creative culture and allows us to accommodate our current and future growth has been a major focus for us,” remarked Jake Witherell, Chief Operating Officer of Schell Games. “We’re very excited about our alliance with Forest City Enterprises and look forward to a successful relationship with them for years to come.”

“We couldn’t be more pleased that Schell Games has made the decision to join us in our Station Square property,” commented Edward Chanatry, Senior Vice President of Forest City Enterprises. ”Their commitment to the Pittsburgh region is admirable, and they represent the thriving, growth companies which we hope to attract to this area.”

The Bessemer Court property at Pittsburgh’s Station Square boasts expansive views of the Monongahela River and the city’s downtown area. It features abundant parking and a variety of shops and restaurants, including the Hard Rock Café and Grand Concourse. Plentiful public transportation opportunities and easy access to the area’s highways make this property particularly appealing. Its proximity to downtown Pittsburgh and Mt. Washington will provide a rich experience for employees and visitors alike.

Schell Games was represented by Jack Donahue of Donahue Real Estate Advisors in this transaction, while CBRE’s Jeremy Kronman and Adam Viccaro worked on behalf of Forest City Enterprises.

About Schell GamesSchell Games is a full-service game design and development company with a focus on creating transformational games and innovative, interactive experiences. Founded in 2002 by world-class game designer and renowned author Jesse Schell, the studio, based in Pittsburgh, PA, heralds a highly talented array of artists, programmers, producers, and game designers. Schell Games specializes in creating memorable experiences through mobile, console, handheld, online and social games, interactive theme park attractions, internet-enabled toys and virtual worlds.