The Challenge: How can Schell Games create an action-RPG experience that can be used in classrooms and at home for learning English language arts (ELA)?
The Solution: Schell Games partnered with Amplify to create The World of Lexica, a tablet-based, action-RPG style experience for young teens that introduces them to an imaginative, book-themed world where literary characters emerge from their stories to accompany them on a new and exciting adventure. Players explore the world as a Curioso, a magical creature that represents the player’s own curiosity. They are joined by classic book characters such as Cheshire Cat, Frankenstein’s Monster, and John Henry, as they cross paths with the likes of Baba Yaga and Mr. Hyde. By making book characters part of the player’s own adventure, Lexica hopes to draw interest to their original stories, which in turn, can be found at the touch of a fingertip in Lexica’s accompanying eReader. The game’s primary goal is to foster a passion for reading while seamlessly bridging the gap between gameplay and learning.
The Results: This article from USA Today explores the ways in which this award-winning game encourages students to read the classics.