Employee Spotlights


Lauren Reed She/Her

Senior Director of Human Resources

What is the weirdest job youʼve ever held?

I donʼt know that itʼs necessarily weird, but in college, I was the first student supervisor in recent college history of our alumni network phone-a-thon team. I had to get creative in my methods of motivating the volunteers, who could go from talking to the most courteous, engaged alumnus to being hung up on by the next!

What is your favorite all-time game?

Zelda, Ocarina of Time. Itʼs seriously epic.

What games are you playing right now?

Well, I just beat Water Bears (with the exceptions of level 4+ challenge puzzles), so Iʼve moved on to GumTrix. Prior to starting on those, Iʼve also been known to play Papaʼs Freezeria and Cupcakeria on HoodaMath. Tetris is a classic I have played off and on throughout the years.

What motivated you to begin working in the game industry?

Schell Games is my first employer in the games industry, and it seemed like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to serve its employees regarding all their human resource needs!

What inspires you?

I love watching (and helping) others live out their passions and continue to develop. I am so excited to be at a company where its employees do just that on a day to day basis.

What piques your curiosity?

Everything! I can be quite annoying with all the questions I ask, but I truly love to learn so anytime I am faced with an unknown, I am instantly curious. How things work, why a certain result occurs, what is going on in the world, etc. I am always looking around for new things to find out!

What is your hidden talent?

Iʼm a very intentional person. I like to give those I am with my undivided attention so they understand I am genuine in listening to their stories, problems, or interests.

What is the best thing about working at Schell Games?

So many things to list: location, quality of work, excellent work/life balance, great perks and benefits! But all of that stems from the leadership and the people who make up the company itself, so if I had to choose the best thing, I would settle on getting to work with phenomenally talented and kind people.

What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?

I got a black eye during a field hockey game (from being hit by the ball) on homecoming weekend my junior year of high school. No amount of cover up could hide it at the dance next night!

How long have you worked at Schell Games?

Since April 2015.