Schell Games Partners with play2PREVENT to Tackle Opioid Addiction and Preven­tion


In an effort to deter adoles­cents from using and misusing opioids, game devel­op­ment company Schell Games is working in conjunc­tion with the play2PREVENT (p2P) Lab at the Yale Center for Health & Learning Games to develop a digital game that will serve as a resource in the fight against youth opioid addiction. Due to the rise in opioid use among adoles­cents, play2PREVENT and Schell Games will create an inter­ac­tive teaching tool that captures the power of videogame engage­ment and incor­po­rates compo­nents of effective substance use preven­tion programs. The goal is to develop an evidence-informed inter­ven­tion that curtails the start of opioid misuse in adoles­cents.

No strangers to the educa­tional gaming scene, Schell Games and p2P previ­ously partnered to bring forth Play­For­ward: Elm City Stories, a game whose goal is to provide at-risk young teens the oppor­tu­nity to acquire and practice skills for risk reduction and HIV preven­tion. For this upcoming title under the Play­For­ward umbrella, Schell Games will work closely with p2P to provide players with behav­ioral skills and knowledge through engaging videogame play, targeting adoles­cent percep­tion of risk of harm from initi­ating opioid misuse.

Putting its game design expertise to good use, the Schell Games team will assist in devel­oping a mobile gaming expe­ri­ence that not only draws in players, but also informs and educates them on drug addiction. Jesse Schell, CEO of Schell Games said, ​“We’re very proud to be part of such a coura­geous initia­tive and are thrilled to lend our game devel­op­ment knowledge and expe­ri­ence to assist in opioid addiction preven­tion.”

This project is being funded by a grant from the National Insti­tutes for Health through The Helping to End Addiction Long-term, or the NIH HEAL Initia­tive. Launched in April 2018, the NIH HEAL Initia­tive aims to improve treat­ments for chronic pain, curb the rates of opioid use disorder and overdose, and achieve long-term recovery from opioid addiction.

To find out more infor­ma­tion about the project, please visit the website for the National Institute for Health.