CEO Jesse Schell Joins the Global Indie Collective


CEO Jesse Schell has joined the IGDA (International Game Developers Association) Global Indie Collective, a group comprised of 33 industry veterans to help indie creators with the toughest challenges in today’s global marketplace: from recent operational impacts of COVID-19, to other common topics like studio strategic planning, business development, partnership management, production efficiencies, and maximizing creativity under defined constraints.

“Sounds a bit cliché, but helping others is the reward. Many of us have been blessed with many exciting years in the industry, working alongside incredible people who have impacted us along the way. Our hope is to be able to give back in a massive way, one developer at a time. Our biggest challenge is to make sure every developer around the world knows this group exists, and is freely available to all.”

-Mark Stanley, Chairman of the Global Indie Collective

Indie collective collage feature