Building a Transformational Game


Sabrina, our principal designer at Schell Games, shared some valuable content about the Transformational Game Framework our studio uses to make sure they stay on track, and create the right kind of experience.

Here is the webinar Sabrina did as part of Games for Change’s Industry Circle series.

Along with the video, Sabrina shared some great content about the Transformational Framework; including several documents that will be part of a future publication about this type of game design.

Transformational Framework

The Transformational Framework, as the document and video above highlights, is the eight-step process the team goes through to make sure the project is truly a transformational experience.

As one looks through the framework, it’s clear that roles have to be created and defined in order for the framework’s process to run smoothly. For example, Sabrina and the team broke down the “Subject Matter Expert” (SME) title into several roles, with those roles ranging from limited to significant responsibility:

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