At Schell Games, Culture is the Antidote to Crunch and Conflict


CEO Jesse Schell formed Schell Games in 2004 with the help of four colleagues and, 15 years later, they are all still at the studio. Jesse Schell, VP of Art Reagan Heller, Principal Design Manager Shawn Patton, Principal Engineer Jason Pratt, and Senior Engineering Manager Robert Gordon were interviewed by to express their thoughts on stability, team-building, and open communication.

The author noted that in an industry known for volatility, Schell Games leans toward its work-for-hire roots which maintain stability for the studio. This, in turn, means that Schell Games has never laid off an employee and can keep teams together. The executives focus on maintaining a culture based on teamwork and feedback to avoid crunch and office conflict.

"Over time, a thing I've seen in so many people that I manage is that the thing that's most important for them over time is the people they work with. Initially, they're really excited about the product they're working on, but over time people come to see the value of the people they work with, the day-to-day interactions they have with those they enjoy being around. And that seems to be a cornerstone that we build around at Schell Games."